Contemporary Artist in Miami, Florida
Spirals, wave patterns, and linear labyrinths provide the framework. Textural effects vary, from smooth gradations to simulated impasto brushstrokes. Colors range from neutral to intensely vibrant. The titles for these nonobjective works serve to identify pieces, while being somewhat descriptive. Clockwise from upper left: 1) Jacaranda, 2) Scintillation, 3) Natura, 4) In and Of , 5) Rainscape, 6) Spiraling.
Natura could be mistaken for an actual photograph of water because of its softly blended tonalities. Yet it was created entirely through the use of digital tools. By contrast, Jacaranda began with a real photograph of green leaves and purple blossoms and underwent a series of manipulations until the natural details were supplanted by what seem to be trails of paint applied with bristle brushes. The work called In and Of pays homage to abstract expressionism with its circuitous gestures. Scintillation and Spiraling made use of a filter which twirls images. Rainscape employed filters that blur and modify textures.